Relaxation and centering (EAN: 003OE0000000401)

Price: 46.60 EUR
Incl. 19 % TAX plus shipping
Weight: 0.31 Kg
Basic price: 548.24 EUR / Liter

Essential oil blend for relaxation and centering


  • Jojoba, 50ml
  • 2 tr. Bergamot essential oil (Citrus bergamia), 10ml
  • 5 tr. Mandarin essential oil (Cetraria recutita), 10ml
  • 15 tr. rose geranium essential oil (Pelargonium graveolens), 5ml
  • 3 tr. lemon essential oil (Citrus limon), 10ml

 Please note that the set contains individual bottles of each oil and it is not a pre-made blend.

Environmental stress, digitalization, everyday stress and the viral infections of the fall and winter seasons pose a particular challenge to people and their immune systems. They are anxious, feel exhausted and confused. The here listed
essential oil mixture has on the one hand an anti-infective and on the other hand a balancing and anxiety-relieving effect. In addition, it also helps you to concentrate again. This is true not only for work, but also for relaxation and restful sleep.

Rose geranium oil is sedative, antiviral and smells very pleasant. It can be used very well for concentration problems and in connection with learning tasks. Since many concepts in our brain are linked with "pictures" and smells, one can e.g. by the use of this oil with learning, afterwards associated achievements under use of the rose geranium oil faster from the brain memory to query.

The components of the lovely mandarin oil support the balancing feel-good atmosphere of rose geranium oil, are antiseptic, promote lymphatic flow and strengthen the immune system.

Lemon essential oil is fresh and stimulating. But this is to be interpreted as promoting concentration. So it helps to focus, whether it is to relax and sleep or to work conscientiously. It distracts from musings and anxieties.

Bergamot oil is strongly anxiety relieving and calming to the body and soul. It is not very irritating to the skin, unlike other citrus oils. In winter and early spring, the photosensitizing property is insignificant in our latitudes.

 Cave: Do not use on children (<8 y.)!


Ein Tropfen der Ätherischölmischung auf einem Tüchlein lässt sich nutzen zur Raumbeduftung, z.B. beim Lernen. Außerdem kann man die Ölmischung gut in die Haut einmassieren, z.B. 1-2x täglich 1-2 Tropfen in die Bauchhaut oder im Bereich des Dekolletés, sodass man den Duft einatmet, oder bei Kindern auch in die Fußsohle. Als Einschlafhilfe können auch ein bis zwei Tropfen auf den Handrücken gerieben
werden. Dadurch werden die Düfte wiederum eingeatmet, wenn die Hände in Kopfnähe gelegt werden.

Essential oils should never be applied pure, please always mix with a carrier oil (a carrier substance).

If possible, test the compatibility in advance by "letting it smell"!


Our contribution to the natural support of your health.

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