Essential oil blend for exhaustion
Anxiety is widespread. Unpleasant feelings of anxiety can limit people very much in their thinking and their ability to act. The ingredients of this essential oil blend provide on the one hand through the peppermint and lemon oil for a clear head and a focused approach to situations that cause anxiety, and on the other hand with the high proportion of lavender essential oil for a balancing relaxing mood. Via the bergamot oil, the anxiety regions are once again specifically calmed in the brain.
- 50 ml jojoba
- 2 tr. Bergamot essential oil (Citrus bergamia)
- 8 tr. Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia)
- 5 tr. Peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita)
- 5 tr. lemon essential oil (Citrus limon)
Application: For treatment, 3-4 drops are rubbed into the skin of the abdomen 2x daily. Before sleeping, you can also rub a drop into the surface of your hands, because most of the time when you fall asleep, you position your hands close to your face and thus inhale the scents.
Please note that the kit contains individual bottles of each oil and is not a pre-made blend. Essential oils should never be applied pure, please always mix witha carrier oil (a carrier substance). If possible, test the compatibility on the patient in advance by "letting him smell"!